With the rise of new models, it’s critical to me to set you up for success and safety.

As a photographer of fifteen years, you can only believe the amount of unprofessionalism , safety concerns and sexualization of young models stepping into this industry. I’ve heard others say time and time again “ we need to do something, we need to tell them what’s going on” but many times , people fear the unexpected. What if someone takes it personal ? What if someone gets upset and lashes out?

Well I’ve decided it’s better to keep models prepared then worry about the insecurities of those who aren’t doing their jobs effectively or professionally.

As a new or struggling model there’s so many things to be mindful of and safe ! So lets do a breakdown of some things to consider.

  • NEVER and I mean NEVER go to shoots alone until you’ve built a relationship and trust with the photographer you’re shooting with. I’ve seen some pretty scary things happen in sessions , especially with male photographers to young female models. Being safe is always key and remembering professional or not, we are all human and we can NEVER be too safe.
  • ALWAYS sign a contract. Any real professional is going to know the importance of protecting themselves and always protecting you too ! If they don’t have a contract, make sure to tell them you want a contract before shooting anything !
  • Do You Need An Agent ? While having an agent is a great way to get out there it’s not necessary to have one, but I highly recommend that you do. A great agent that I personally work with and adore is Maritime Model and Talent Agency . Taylor focuses on inclusivity , diversity and always brings the body self love. While many agencies struggle to welcome the curvy ladies to the stage, Taylor brings nothing but love and humility to everything she does and always leads with a heart of gold and genuine love.
  • While working with anyone, if you don’t have an agent or friend attending ALWAYS make sure to share your location with someone you trust.
  • Never jump on the first offer from an agent. While excitement builds , being mindful and smart always have to come first. Many play the instagram game and make it look like sugar and candies , but behind the scenes its not at all what it may appear and this is why its vital to DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Look over all their models, and also look at the models instagram accounts? What types of jobs do they get and let’s keep in mind while many post photos, that doesn’t mean they are being paid. Always make sure to ask to see work they have previously done, how many of their models are doing serious work that’s PAID. While all of us have to start somewhere FREE work should never be a constant.
  • With agencies make sure to find out how much percentage they take from your pay. No one wants a last minute surprise.
  • Never loose your voice - no matter who you’re working with NEVER loose your own voice. So many times models don’t want to feel like they are trouble or that they can’t speak up. If you ever feel unsafe , uncomfortable please know you are NEVER stuck. You can walk away and you have every right to protect yourself from every and any situation .
  • CHOOSING AN AGENT : This one is a biggie, like I said before always do your homework. This one is more than just one thing. Make sure to check their socials, other models pages and what do people in their community say about this agent. Do they work well with others? Do they carry themselves respectfully and treat others as equals ? The last thing you want is to feel more stress about your modelling career by having an agency who doesn’t listen , thrives on ego and has to have control. RUN from this the second you see it.